

How this experience has changed me!

Now that this incredible journey has come to an end and has made room for another journey that I will be embracing in my homeland, except […]

Education System in Albania and in the USA

I can say that during the past 2 years I have grown a lot professionally and socially and because I am pursuing the same graduate program […]

The MIP Experience – an Important Milestone in My Story of Life

“You guys couldn’t control a pandemic; you couldn’t control social restrictions, but you did what you could with it. And your lives will be richer for […]

The end of a journey and the start of a new one

It’s an odd feeling, the one I have after having completed my 2-year degree. It feels like September 2020 was a lifetime ago, and simultaneously like […]

A memorable ride: Innovating my way out!

Dear reader, First, I have to warn you; if you do not like reading long blogs, this is not the place for you!  How it all […]


Every great story has a start, a middle point, and an end…not necessary in that order though. As you move through it, the sweet and bitter […]

“There are two ways to go about your university experience. The first is to go through university, and the second is to let university go through you”

As I approach the middle of my second year of master’s studies, here at the University of Minnesota, I am reflecting on how different this year […]

ESG Professional and Academic Commitment More than Ever

Nudged by the Sustainable Global Enterprise during my Spring semester, I decided to spend my Summer working on Project Finance and Development for a Solar development […]

From the US to Africa – an unprecedented experience in an unprecedented time

The rapid spread of the virus imposed a huge economic slowdown, and the immediate impacts of the deepest recession since the Great Depression have been widespread […]